Friday, August 13, 2010

Facebook’s Stream.Publish method on browsers with popup blockers

How to use Facebook’s Stream.Publish method on browsers with popup blockers. See a demo.

What is the problem?

Recently many Facebook developers have been frustrated by popup blockers preventing the Stream Publish dialogue box from being displayed. If a user hasn’t logged in and authorised the application, dialogue boxes are shown in a popup window instead of an iframe. That’s fine for some visitors, but for those who have a popup blocker enabled, it means that they won’t see the dialogue box and therefore can’t publish a post into the stream.
The Stream Publish dialogue being displayed in an iframe.
The Stream Publish dialogue being displayed in an iframe.
The Stream Publish dialogue being displayed in a popup window. Popup blockers will prevent this from opening.
The Stream Publish dialogue being displayed in a popup window. Popup blockers will prevent this from opening.