Monday, September 27, 2010

CodeIgniter Library: 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos

CodeIgniter is the brainchild of Ellis Labs and one of the more popular PHP frameworks available. It’s gained a reputation as a lean, mean, easy-to-learn framework that anyone comfortable with PHP can get up and running with in a few days.
CodeIgniter is fixin’ to blow up even more with the release of ExpressionEngine 2.0, currently in Beta, which is built on top of the CodeIgniter framework. Sounds great and all, but ExpressionEngine ain’t cheap…$299 for the commercial version…so while you sit around wondering if ExpressionEngine is a CMS you want to get in to, why not get familiar with it’s CodeIgniter foundation using these
2 77 totally free scripts, addons and tutorials?

Free/Open Source CodeIgniter Scripts

  1. BackEndPro
    • BackEndPro is a control panel for developers written in PHP for the CodeIgniter framework. It provides the beginnings of a solid CMS for those wanting to build their own without the need to reinvent the wheel. Authentication, permissions, and basic look and feel for a back end control panel are already done for you, so you have more time to focus on building your empire.
  2. BambooInvoice
    • BambooInvoice is free, open source invoicing software intended for small businesses and independent contractors. It features well-formed XHTML, Ajax, multiple languages, and did I mention it’s free?
  3. Classroombookings
    • Classroombookings is a free, open-source, easy-to-use room booking system for schools built on CodeIgniter. It features lockouts to prevent double-bookings, unlimited rooms and users, and a custom timetable.
  4. ExciteCMS
    • If ExpressionEngine’s $299 price tag has you down, ExiteCMS is a completely free content management system built on CodeIgniter. It’s still in it’s “Alpha 2″ release, but looks pretty promising.
  5. PyroCMS
    • This CMS is a treat. Excellent code, and a very simple layout resembling ExpressionEngine 1.0 in many ways. It’s lightweight and, because it’s built on CodeIgniter, is easily expandable.
  6. Kohana
    • This isn’t a script, but a framework branch of CodeIgniter that solves a number of its shortcomings. Check out Onwired’s blog for a great summary of these shortcoming, but some of the highlights are:
      • Strict PHP 5 OOP code structure
      • Better use of modules
      • Cascading architecture
      • Adds an ORM library to help with building database-driven applications
      • Makes writing libraries a bit simpler

CodeIgniter Library: 80 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos

CodeIgniter is the brainchild of Ellis Labs and one of the more popular PHP frameworks available. It’s gained a reputation as a lean, mean, easy-to-learn framework that anyone comfortable with PHP can get up and running with in a few days.
CodeIgniter is fixin’ to blow up even more with the release of ExpressionEngine 2.0, currently in Beta, which is built on top of the CodeIgniter framework. Sounds great and all, but ExpressionEngine ain’t cheap…$299 for the commercial version…so while you sit around wondering if ExpressionEngine is a CMS you want to get in to, why not get familiar with it’s CodeIgniter foundation using these 802 77 totally free scripts, addons and tutorials?

Free/Open Source CodeIgniter Scripts

  1. BackEndPro
    • BackEndPro is a control panel for developers written in PHP for the CodeIgniter framework. It provides the beginnings of a solid CMS for those wanting to build their own without the need to reinvent the wheel. Authentication, permissions, and basic look and feel for a back end control panel are already done for you, so you have more time to focus on building your empire.
  2. BambooInvoice
    • BambooInvoice is free, open source invoicing software intended for small businesses and independent contractors. It features well-formed XHTML, Ajax, multiple languages, and did I mention it’s free?
  3. Classroombookings
    • Classroombookings is a free, open-source, easy-to-use room booking system for schools built on CodeIgniter. It features lockouts to prevent double-bookings, unlimited rooms and users, and a custom timetable.
  4. ExciteCMS
    • If ExpressionEngine’s $299 price tag has you down, ExiteCMS is a completely free content management system built on CodeIgniter. It’s still in it’s “Alpha 2″ release, but looks pretty promising.
  5. PyroCMS
    • This CMS is a treat. Excellent code, and a very simple layout resembling ExpressionEngine 1.0 in many ways. It’s lightweight and, because it’s built on CodeIgniter, is easily expandable.
  6. Kohana
    • This isn’t a script, but a framework branch of CodeIgniter that solves a number of its shortcomings. Check out Onwired’s blog for a great summary of these shortcoming, but some of the highlights are:
      • Strict PHP 5 OOP code structure
      • Better use of modules
      • Cascading architecture
      • Adds an ORM library to help with building database-driven applications
      • Makes writing libraries a bit simpler

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery

Our goal is to realize a fixed panel, on the bottom of the page, to improve interaction with our users.
Well, below you can see my idea in “visible status” (I’ve designed it using Photoshop). In this post we’ll use some basic techniques to realize the panel, after the reading only your fantasy could be a limit to enhance the toolbar for you purposes.
Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website with CSS3 And jQuery
Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website with CSS3 And jQuery
So a panel with social icons and their tooltip bubbles on the left side and a quick menu on the right. Some features we want for our bar:
  • Hide/Show toolbar clicking on specific buttons
  • Adaptive width during the resizing of the window
  • Tooltip Bubble when the mouse is moved over an icon
  • Quick Menu Panel on the right side
  • Cross Browser Compatibility

Live Demo and Source Files

To view in action the final result click below on preview button. You can also download the source files.
The toolbar has been thought to be added to the News Aggregator that we built in a previous tutorial, “How To Realize A News Aggregator Using Simple Pie In An Adaptive Layout” (if you want to see only the toolbar in action, please click here).
Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website with CSS3 And jQuery
Download Source
Download Source

The Basic Structure

We’ll update the HTML code of index.php and the CSS code of style.css of the News Aggregator.
We build a fixed panel (div with id toolbar) with two floating sides where we will add in a seco

20 CodeIgniter Tutorials to Get Started!

1. How to Create Ajax Pagination using CodeIgniter?

How to Create Ajax Pagination using CodeIgniter?

2. Creating Accounting Application] Part 1 Setting Up the Environment

Creating Accounting Application] Part 1 Setting Up the Environment

3. Code Igniter Tutorial – Part 1 – Hello world

4. Setting up multiple sites on one install

Setting up multiple=

5. Send Email from your Gmail account Using Codeigniter.

Send Email from your Gmail account Using Codeigniter.

6. How can We verify Captcha with Ajax in Codeigniter?

How can We verify Captcha with Ajax in Codeigniter?

7. How To: Use Re-Captcha in Codeigniter based website?

How To: Use Re-Captcha in Codeigniter based website?

8. Building a Shopping Cart using CodeIgniter’s Shopping Cart Class

Building a Shopping Cart using CodeIgniter’s Shopping Cart Class

9. Reading CSV File in CodeIgniter

Reading CSV File in CodeIgniter

10. CodeIgniter Tutorial: Upload and Convert video to FLV using FFmpeg.

CodeIgniter Tutorial: Upload and Convert video to FLV using FFmpeg.

11. Basic Image Gallery With CodeIgniter

Basic Image Gallery With CodeIgniter


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Insert “Add Profile Tab” Buttons In Facebook Application

As described in an official blog post from Facebook, you can now put an “Add Profile Tab” button in your application or site to prompt users to add your application tab to their profiles for easy re-engagement. All implementations using the JavaScript API can call FB.Connect.showProfileTabDialog or use the fb:add-profile-tab XFBML tag to render the button, while FBML applications can call Facebook.showProfileTabDialog or use the fb:add-profile-tab FBML tag to render it.

Using Java Script API for Connect-


Renders a button that lets a user add your application or site’s application tab to his or her profile. Make sure you specify a Tab Name and a Tab URL in your application settings (on the Profiles tab).

Article Link-

Friday, September 3, 2010



This project provides the SimpleCaptcha class.
Basic example:
$captcha = new SimpleCaptcha();
// Change configuration...
//$captcha->wordsFile = null;           // Disable dictionary words
//$captcha->wordsFile = 'words/es.txt'; // Enable spanish words
//$captcha->session_var = 'secretword'; // Change session variable
... will output:

You can validate the php captcha with:
if (strtolower(trim($_REQUEST['captcha'])) != $_SESSION['captcha']) {
    return "Invalid captcha";

More examples

Background and foreground colors, dictionary words, non-dictionary random words, blur, shadows, JPEG and PNG support:

The images are similar to google captchas.
