Friday, March 27, 2015

Installing Solr 4.6 on Windows

The steps below are a guide to help you install Solr versions 4.1 to 4.6.  Here, I tested Solr 4.6 installation on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

1. Download and install Java SDK (I installed jdk-7u45-windows-x64.exe).


2. Download and install Apache Tomcat (I installed apache-tomcat-8.0.0-RC5.exe). Usually, Tomcat is installed on port 8983 (but this is optional- you can specify your own port).


3. Test the Tomcat server in your browser. You should see the following screen:


4. You can configure the Tomcat server by going to Windows > Start > Monitor Tomcat


5. Stop the Tomcat server by going to Windows > Start > Monitor Tomcat > General Tab> Stop


6. Download Solr-4.6.0 and unzip it in your local directory i.e. C:\ Solr-4.6.0 (download zip file).
7. Go to downloaded Solr folder above (step 6) and Copy solr.war file to Apache webapps folder. I.e. Copy C:\solr-4.6.0\dist\solr-4.6.0.war file  to  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps folder (rename solr-4.6.0.war to solr.war).
8. Create an empty Solr home folder. i.e. C:\solr
9. Go to downloaded Solr folder above (step 6). Copy all files from C:\solr-4.6.0\solr-4.6.0\example\solr folder to C:\solr (Solr home folder). This will be your Solr home folder.
10. Look into C:\solr and you will see two folders with name collection1 and bin.
11. Copy the jars from C:\solr-4.6.0\example\lib\ext (all jars) into C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\lib (this is your Tomcat server main library directory).
12. Set the Java system property solr.solr.home to your Solr Home. Go to Windows > Start > Monitor Tomcat > Java Tab > Java Options. Enter the following entry at the end (see below screenshot): -Dsolr.solr.home=c:\solr


13. Restart Tomcat by going to Windows > Start > Monitor Tomcat > General Tab > Start


14. Test Solr by going to http://localhost:8983/solr/ in your browser. You should see the Solr admin page below.



Wednesday, March 11, 2015

w2ui (New JavaScript UI Library)

w2ui (New JavaScript UI Library)

Popups and Overlays and many more

Popups and overlays are popular UI elements of modern web applications. If used right, it can significantly enhance user interaction, provide clearity and improve navigation of your application. The w2ui library has both popups and overlays. A popup blocks the content of the application for the duration of user interaction. An overlay, in turn, is non-blocking UI solutions that displays additional information. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015